Hey! I’ve constantly hooked up with women but’ve always had a feeling at the back of my head I would like being sexual with a man. Never anybody I understood because I would be overly weirder outside but someone about my age and alluring and arbitrary.

I’ve been told I’m great looking. I’ve got brown eyes and hair along with a few body hair. My dick isn’t too large soft but develops to be approximately 7 thick inches when I’m tough.

I had been up rly late another night and I had been masturbating. Occasionally I masturbate to lesbian or straight pornography but now I had been feeling frisky and believed I’d see something homosexual. As I was viewing the pornography I wanted I could attempt what they were doing. 69. It wasn’t long until I had gone into the men searching for guys webpage on Craigslist to find out what I could locate.

Initially what was unappealing and there was no way I’d speak to some of those guys. Then I came across an advertisement for a 21 year-old dark skinned man from the region. He had been lonely home from school and wasn’t too much. He looked cool and we ended up saying hello and fast trading pics. He had the biggest hard black penis and I wasn’t sure exactly what I’d actually do with it when we fulfilled. After chatting for some we chose to meet up and see exactly what occurred.

I drove there about two in the afternoon and wasn’t nervous as I thought I’d be either hookup way I had been excited to really be in my way to take care of a great huge cock. I texted him to tell him I had been there and that he came to let me . He was somewhat shorter than me. We moved to his room when making small talk along the way. After we have in his area he advised me to make myself comfy so I state on his mattress.

Likely so profound due to that bundle he’d. Anyway he asked me exactly what I had been interested in performing an that he got a bit nearer. I advised him I hadn’t done much with a man but had been looking to go all of the way. He said that he had been down for whatever and said I had fine lips. I stated "you’ll kiss them in case you’d enjoy " and another thing I know we were locked swirling tongues and dry humping somewhat.

We complimented each other on our fine bodies. I couldn’t believe how much larger than bulge in his trousers was mine. I sat my about the mattress and he took my half strong cock to his mouth.

His lips felt soft and warm and he gradually worked his way up and down my manhood. I was in paradise. Then I told me that I needed to taste him also. He stood up and pulled out his huge black dick out of his shorts.

This was just the second cock if touched and going to be the very first I sucked. Then I took it in to my mouth and it tasted so great. It was thick and firm yet soft and smooth and it left me excited. I sat there stroking myself because I took up to his cock into my mouth as I could. I squeezed him and jacked him off quickly and took deep gulps of his penis trying to get to the bottom which wasn’t possible lol I then proposed we suck each other in precisely the exact same time at which stage we layed down to the mattress and started a passionate 69 that we both shot each other profound and squeezed hard.

His dick was leaking precum and was mine. He played with my balls and finally reached his hands to my bum hole and began to finger. I’d only ever had my hands in there but it didn’t feel too bad tho it felt like a dick in me with only his finger. I informed him I needed him to shoot my virgin hole. He got up and took a condom and some lube out of his drawer.

He put them down and acrylic up my legs so that he could get my pink boy pussy. He rimmed me to the very first time and I had been say I loved it a whole lot. It was fine. He ate me for a couple of minutes then he started the lube and rubbed my gap. It was a sexy feeling which was almost uncomfortable but appeared to have fun involved when I concentrated. The next thing I know I hear a buzzing noise and he’d took a ribbed vibrator that he lubed up and started pushing into my pussy. It had been an intense feeling that I wasn’t anticipating and I really enjoyed it a whole lot.

I advised him a notion I had been prepared for him and he set the toy apart and I helped him make rock solid to the condom. He lubed up us again and we attempted for at missionary posture. He wasn’t as tough as earlier and my hole was so tight we had difficulty in firsts I then advocated attempting doggy style and that he had been willing to attempt so I got on his own bed on all fours and poked out my ass just like a woman could, swaying it back and forth .

Then he fingered me for moment or so before hammering the mind of his massive penis into my hole. His mind went and it felt amazing, it burned and hurt and I said stop but he then slid it deeper and to my surprise I took his entire cock nearly. It felt really tight in my bum and we held at precisely the exact same place, both adapting to the powerful grasp. I then pushed back and his penis was poking something within me.

It felt strange but great and I fell my bum back . Then he began to pulling it out slowly but picking up the speed. I didn’t realize that the entire time I was moaning and crying like a tight virgin carrying her first dick. I kept saying fuck me fuck me go deeper oooohhhh and in the deepest point I teared up in pain.

Before he arrived I ha him take it out and my ass felt loose and functioned. I asked if we can suck each other to an end and he was prepared to complete so we got straight back at the 69 position. We viciously sucked and gagged on each other till I came from his torso and he jerked himself off on mine. I have dressed after we whipped cum ourselves off and I abandoned. It was a 1 time thing but it had been time that I won’t forget. It was wonderful!